If I had to describe myself, it would be in a word that has many meanings with a complexity which falls off the tongue.
A word made up of many elements, is deceptive in appearance, and creates an illusion from the imagination.
My word would be Phantasmagoric. ~Summer Ross

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rainy day blogfest Story

Rain fallingImage via Wikipedia
Thanks Christine for hosting the Rainy Day Blogfest go read some of the other great writers participating...I'm sure they will have brilliant pieces!

Before I get to my piece- I would very much like you all to check out my right upper corner side bar labeled blogfest/contests, there are many coming up and if you are looking for more to join, trust me there's a lot going on...please have a looksie

 Ok so here's mine Short and mysterious :) But I don't have much time, sorry guys.

 The rain crumbles like a cookie in my hand. What happened to the sleek wet drops I remembered from my younger years? It no longer holds a sweet scent that used to send me out dancing in the middle of the woods. Its lost all smell completely!

 The rain I read about in my books at night- that's what I miss. The humid drops cascading down refreshing the soil bringing life with it. The pretty vibrant flowers, the lush green grass...

All that remains are wet crumbs...the sky sheds burnt dried tears. This is our fault. I know that in the very depths of my sorrow filled heart. WE did this, it was our fairy dust when we evolved that created crumbs out of water, like mud in the sand.With out the fulfilling life liquid, my wings hang in their mournful frown.


Francine Howarth said...


Simply lovely, capturing the moment of despair and loss, and oh God, WE did this!


Renae said...

I love that opening line! Wow. You imagery is always so wonderful. Great entry!

Amie McCracken said...

Ooo, intriguing idea! For a quick scene you explained the concept really well.

Summer Ross said...

Francine~~ Thank you

Renae~~ I'm glad it pulled you in...thanks for reading

Amie~~Thank you

M. said...

Awesome! Now I wanna read the novel, k? Get to work. :)

Summer Ross said...

Michelle~~ LOL I just pulled this out of random...there isn't even an outline for this one, just spur of the moment idea.

Laurel Garver said...

Cool concept, Summer. Glad I stopped by. I'm fascinated to see where your story goes.

Summer Ross said...

Laurel~~ Thank you, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.

Brenda Drake said...

Wow. Just wow. You definitely HAVE to do something with this. Love it!

Summer Ross said...

Brenda- glad you enjoyed it. after the comments I'm getting I might do something with it...

Will Burke said...

It kinda sounds like a lement in a coming-of-age piece. Very shown-not-told!

Unknown said...

Poetic and intriguing! Thanx for sharing that!

Summer Ross said...

Will-- hmmm coming of age piece, could be. I'm glad it does more showing. :)

Tessa-- Thank you

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I know you said that you were busy, but I could have read so much more! Fabulous writing and I hope you will turn this into something. Thanks for letting me read.

Summer Ross said...

Wendy-- I think I will eventually. Sorry I stopped to short, but kids and college come first :) Thanks for your comment.

Nicole Murray said...

Short and mournful, like a passing rain storm. Thank you for this. ;-D

Eric W. Trant said...

I assume this is a flash piece. The first analogy of rain v. cookies threw me, but I trusted the author (you) knew what she was doing, and read on.

Sure enough, makes sense in the end.

- Eric

Michelle Gregory said...

very nice. i love your poetic voice.

stu said...

A lovely idea well executed.

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Summer - Rain that crumbles like cookies. Those faires! Troublesome. Great imagery girl!!!

Franklin Beaumont said...

"rain crumbles like a cookie in my hand"? What a bizarre image! I've never considered rain behaving that way, but I think I love it. Really poetic imagery throughout.

Angie said...

That's really nice. Great job! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Jules said...

I love this post and its imagines!

Sorry had to run to hospital and did not get to link up for this fest. I did post something sort of to do with rain though.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Terry Stonecrop said...

I like the cookie crumb comparison and I especially loved the last line. Nice work:)

E. Arroyo said...

Nice job. Thanks for sharing

Jemi Fraser said...

So cool! Love the imagery :)

VR Barkowski said...

Stunning imagery. Heartfelt, poignant, sad and real all at once. Lovely. Can't wait to see where you take it.

Drea said...

Very nice :D I admire the way you can craft such a poetic entrance...:D

Amanda Borenstadt said...

Wow, so vivid and so sad. Beautiful writing! :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

great imagry. Nice work! :)

Summer Ross said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm glad you all made it to my blog.

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

I just got done watching 2012 and here you are with dusty rain drops. Summer, your short excerpt is long on emotion. You made me want to run out and embrace the rain. Next time it comes, I think I will do just that.

Thank you, ~that rebel, Olivia

dolorah said...

So sad and yet uplifting. I'm taken away by the beautiful sentiment.


Ju Dimello said...

I loved the references and the imagery it created ! You really have a way with words.. excellent description :)

Thanks for sharing !

roh morgon said...

"...wings hang in their mournful frown."

I love this line!

Belinda Kroll, YA Victorian Romance said...

Excellent imagery! I love that you kept it short; it packs a punch and keeps me thinking about it long after reading.

Nighfala said...

Wow, you have some powerful imagery. It's an interesting juxtaposition: turning rain into crumbs. It made me think of that silicone stuff, which gets all clumpy and weird when it's wet.

Well done! (and short. Yes!!)

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