Hey everyone I stole a few moments on another computer to let you know it looks like my computer will be back on Saturday night. I'm truly sorry for the Blogfests I will miss and Next week hopefully things will be back to normal!
If I had to describe myself, it would be in a word that has many meanings with a complexity which falls off the tongue.
A word made up of many elements, is deceptive in appearance, and creates an illusion from the imagination.
My word would be Phantasmagoric. ~Summer Ross
writing stuff
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
OH the horror!!!!
Hey everyone- I have some virus attacking my system, If you get an e-mail from me please do not open it. At least until I can get back. I'll be out for a few days trying to recover my stuff, sorry for the delay in everything. Please excuse my absence on comments and posts.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sasha's Lazy sunday!
Next week brings tests in classes for me. I hope to do well.
It also brings back the wit win-wing it and its winners.
Blogfests are coming around this week I believe, check my side bar for more details, and is it just me or is my list growing very small?
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Next week brings tests in classes for me. I hope to do well.
It also brings back the wit win-wing it and its winners.
Blogfests are coming around this week I believe, check my side bar for more details, and is it just me or is my list growing very small?
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Secrets Revealed- Blogfest winners!
I want to say I had a wonderful time reading all of your entries! Thank you all so much for participating and having fun with this blogfest! My "Shh its a secret" blogfest did well. There were so many wonderful writings I couldn't possibly pick winners on my own. So with the help of Random.org I have picked the three winners.
Now of course if the Winners choose they can post a picture of what they won on their blogs when they receive their surprise packages, but its up to them to give their readers the pictures or information!
Also I'm linking their stories if they still have them posted, so you can read each one if you like.
Winners: Give me your e-mail and I will contact you for shipping instructions of your Secret package.
In 3rd place is Nicole Murray @ WIP Blogfest entry
In 2nd place is Elena @ you're write except when you're rong
and finally our first place winner is.....
......You guys don't really want to know do you?
......In first place is Tessa @ Tessa's Blurb
****ADDED: I just found out about this blogfest for the weekend, have a look over and participate- its not writing its Your top ten novels! its only this weekend so go check it out in a hurry!
Congratulations to all of the winners!!!! ****Throws fairy dust everywhere****
Now of course if the Winners choose they can post a picture of what they won on their blogs when they receive their surprise packages, but its up to them to give their readers the pictures or information!
Also I'm linking their stories if they still have them posted, so you can read each one if you like.
Winners: Give me your e-mail and I will contact you for shipping instructions of your Secret package.
In 3rd place is Nicole Murray @ WIP Blogfest entry
In 2nd place is Elena @ you're write except when you're rong
and finally our first place winner is.....
......You guys don't really want to know do you?
......In first place is Tessa @ Tessa's Blurb
****ADDED: I just found out about this blogfest for the weekend, have a look over and participate- its not writing its Your top ten novels! its only this weekend so go check it out in a hurry!
Congratulations to all of the winners!!!! ****Throws fairy dust everywhere****
Friday, September 24, 2010
2 Blogfest entries!
I think I'm getting good at two blogfest entries at once!
First up Elana Johnson has the Compelling characters experiment
and Second is Southern Cities Mystery Birthday blogfest
I don't think these are too long, so hopefully you can manage through both- Let me know how it turns out!
The topic I am to discuss is: Writing Compelling Characters
First lets look at the details,
Voice Means everything not only to the writer, but also to the reader, and importantly to the character. If the said MC does not have a believable voice, then we wont rely on that Character for trust. And thus stop reading or give a bad review.
Do you trust your character?
Next how does the character react? If the MC does the exact opposite of what a reader "thinks" the MC should, then its less interesting. ****Unless there is a specific reason the reader can relate to on why the MC is doing things this way.
Which leads me into...
Does the MC relate to the reader on a personal level? If the MC can relate on a personal level to the readers, then we as readers are more compelled to "feel" for the character- either disgust or rooting for, or humiliation, comedy, any number of things as long as it reaches that readers emotional level.
Basically what it boils down to, is your character reacting in a human way? If not does the MC at least touch an emotion a reader can relate to?
Throw everything at your character until you can get the desired response and you will find what compels that character will be what compels the reader to read about the MC.
Now take what I have just said and apply it to my Birthday blogfest entry. We learn not only by seeing our own mistakes, but viewing it in others as well- so what are my character mistakes?
First up Elana Johnson has the Compelling characters experiment
and Second is Southern Cities Mystery Birthday blogfest
I don't think these are too long, so hopefully you can manage through both- Let me know how it turns out!
The topic I am to discuss is: Writing Compelling Characters
First lets look at the details,
Voice Means everything not only to the writer, but also to the reader, and importantly to the character. If the said MC does not have a believable voice, then we wont rely on that Character for trust. And thus stop reading or give a bad review.
Do you trust your character?
Next how does the character react? If the MC does the exact opposite of what a reader "thinks" the MC should, then its less interesting. ****Unless there is a specific reason the reader can relate to on why the MC is doing things this way.
Which leads me into...
Does the MC relate to the reader on a personal level? If the MC can relate on a personal level to the readers, then we as readers are more compelled to "feel" for the character- either disgust or rooting for, or humiliation, comedy, any number of things as long as it reaches that readers emotional level.
Basically what it boils down to, is your character reacting in a human way? If not does the MC at least touch an emotion a reader can relate to?
Throw everything at your character until you can get the desired response and you will find what compels that character will be what compels the reader to read about the MC.
Now take what I have just said and apply it to my Birthday blogfest entry. We learn not only by seeing our own mistakes, but viewing it in others as well- so what are my character mistakes?
Birthday blogfest entry-
Elisa watched in amusement as bright green flip-flops flung a crossed the crowded room. Another feisty night at the bar was all it took to bring her stress level under control and let loose some of the irritation from the previous week. She thought of Randal’s fat face as the flying flops hit their mark in the white and brown banister across the table. At least twelve people had come to join in the Birthday festivities of the night. Among them was Sara, the owner of the green winged flops.
“I can’t believe you hit it!” Chris exclaimed over the loud drumming music.
“Ha! Two shots down buddy!” Sara replied with a smile that lit her entire face and brought a spark to her blue eyes. Elisa watched Chris down two of the thirteen shots of Vodka sitting a crossed from them. His shaven face scrunched up as if he found a sour lemon and his adams-apple dropped the liquid down his throat. A familiar song hit the speakers and Elisa rose to the beat.
“Come on girls, its time to get our heels moving!” Elisa called out as she drug Sara and two others from the square tables shoved together. Her black leather boots slicked through the rugged carpet as drinks sloshed over rims in the mass of people charging to the dance floor.
Elisa swayed her hips and stomped her feet to the drums. She released her pent up frustration into the rhythm of the music. Each sway knocked out one sentence in Randal’s arsenal of vocabulary. Shots passed through the crowd, she downed a Jack Daniels then they all headed back to their corner tables.
“Elisa, watch out!” Elisa turned and slammed right into a tall burly man and drinks spilt down the front of her black blouse.
“Shit!” Elisa retorted to the spills as she looked down at her shirt reeking of beer. It never failed, beer always managed to be spilt at some point, this time it just happened to land on her.
“I’m sorry; you’re so short I didn’t see you coming through.” A gruff voice said to her right. Elisa looked up and hid her anger from his sight. Just her luck he would have to be cute, or maybe that was the alcohol talking? Either way, it’s only a bit of spilt beer she convinced herself.
“No worries man.” Elisa replied, blew him a kiss, and swayed the few steps back to the tables.
“He’s still staring…” Sara whispered in Elisa’s ear.
“Let him stare, if he wants me he knows where to find me, then I’ll give him what he deserves.” Elisa replied giving her friend a sweet smile that left complete doubt to the sweet part on any observing bystander.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Food Blogfest
Thanks to Jaded Love Junkie for hosting this wonderful Blogfest of food. Go take a look at what others have to say about food!
My submission will be a poem. It's based off a story I read about being forcibly fed back in the day. Here is the link to the literary short story for those interested: How It Feels to Be Forcibly Fed
My submission will be a poem. It's based off a story I read about being forcibly fed back in the day. Here is the link to the literary short story for those interested: How It Feels to Be Forcibly Fed
Prescribed Dining
~By Summer Ross
~By Summer Ross
Four men, one female,
a binding sheet, a table,
a starving choice.
Hands, hands, hands-
my Hips, my head and feet.
-Choke or Swallow-
Their suppressed satisfaction
like the clock- tick…tock…
Distress flows into me through
a red tube, helpless…weak...
Self-abandonment comes
with insertion,
They finished with me, an act…
This is what other women experienced,
science proves there is no right to die.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Come Look with me...
"You learn something every day if you pay attention. " ~Ray LeBlond
The Red head writer has graciously given us away to make buttons if you do not know how. She gives out some great step by step instructions and helpful ideas on how to make your own badges. If you would like to see more on this CLICK HERE and take a look at the rest of her sections, she helps with a great amount of blogging things!
Emma Michaels has a wonderful post on characters that I have every intention of taking advantage of because I'm really bad with my characters LOL Click here
If you are a dog lover and wish to help out at Liz Writes, then take a look at her special post on ways to help CLICK HERE
Glimmer Trains "Standard story submission" opens up the first of October for short stories. Its free to sign up and its free to submit...go check them out if you haven't already CLICK HERE
Mary at "How to plan, write and develop" has a great post on images with a writing exercise. CLICK HERE
If you haven't read this already or some version of it, please do take look at this post about speaking out. I myself have found myself in similar situations, and I would rather my children know it exists then pretend they live in a world where bad things never happen. CLICK HERE
Don't forget tomorrow is the FEAST BLOGFEST if you haven't signed up and want to- go do it...I'll be participating.
Now that I have these out of the way I have a favor to ask. My 9 year old is taking a 40 book challenge. Upon this she is supposed to read Historical fiction and non-fiction- well what are some good titles of historical fiction and non-fiction for young girls that I can look up with her? Any suggestions would be helpful.
I give you links! come join me in some fascinating discoveries!
The Red head writer has graciously given us away to make buttons if you do not know how. She gives out some great step by step instructions and helpful ideas on how to make your own badges. If you would like to see more on this CLICK HERE and take a look at the rest of her sections, she helps with a great amount of blogging things!
Emma Michaels has a wonderful post on characters that I have every intention of taking advantage of because I'm really bad with my characters LOL Click here
If you are a dog lover and wish to help out at Liz Writes, then take a look at her special post on ways to help CLICK HERE
Glimmer Trains "Standard story submission" opens up the first of October for short stories. Its free to sign up and its free to submit...go check them out if you haven't already CLICK HERE
Mary at "How to plan, write and develop" has a great post on images with a writing exercise. CLICK HERE
If you haven't read this already or some version of it, please do take look at this post about speaking out. I myself have found myself in similar situations, and I would rather my children know it exists then pretend they live in a world where bad things never happen. CLICK HERE
Don't forget tomorrow is the FEAST BLOGFEST if you haven't signed up and want to- go do it...I'll be participating.
Now that I have these out of the way I have a favor to ask. My 9 year old is taking a 40 book challenge. Upon this she is supposed to read Historical fiction and non-fiction- well what are some good titles of historical fiction and non-fiction for young girls that I can look up with her? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What does Writing say?
Have you ever thought about being published, if your not already, and just the idea alone of being in print was enough to make your eyes pop out?
You know one of the things I have never thought of was what I want my writing to say about me as an author. Now it is hitting me in the face like an elephants trunk!
I could just blow it off, and write whatever, make it good and poof there it is, but I don't want to be that kind of author, I want more than that. I expect more than that out of myself!
What do I want to write ten pages of in the Underground anthology?
I could be the eccentric poet: Ten pages, ten poems in all their serious natures....but do I want to be known for that?
What if I was a comedian for my ten pages? Just write silly things in my writing, made it all about humor? Would I be known as the anthologies clown?
I could go straight romance. I've dabbled a bit in the genre, its common, lots of people write some kind of romance right?
Maybe I should scare them out of their wits instead? Come up with some horrific campfire tale? maybe a moonlit night gone horribly wrong by some terror or other.
Do I want it to be a young adult type of writing? Thinking of my audience probably is going to be mostly adults, I'll pass on this one...hmmmmm.
I know what I want- I want my writing to say- "she is worth reading" But how do I do that?
Maybe I can combine them all, put everything all in one story, even the poetry- well not the YA part, but everything else? Just smush every genre I know of all in one story. That way I can be the comedian, the horror buff, the romantic, the literary, and the poet...everything all in one! Then what would they say about me?
What do you want your writing to say about you?
You know one of the things I have never thought of was what I want my writing to say about me as an author. Now it is hitting me in the face like an elephants trunk!
I could just blow it off, and write whatever, make it good and poof there it is, but I don't want to be that kind of author, I want more than that. I expect more than that out of myself!
What do I want to write ten pages of in the Underground anthology?
I could be the eccentric poet: Ten pages, ten poems in all their serious natures....but do I want to be known for that?
What if I was a comedian for my ten pages? Just write silly things in my writing, made it all about humor? Would I be known as the anthologies clown?
I could go straight romance. I've dabbled a bit in the genre, its common, lots of people write some kind of romance right?
Maybe I should scare them out of their wits instead? Come up with some horrific campfire tale? maybe a moonlit night gone horribly wrong by some terror or other.
Do I want it to be a young adult type of writing? Thinking of my audience probably is going to be mostly adults, I'll pass on this one...hmmmmm.
I know what I want- I want my writing to say- "she is worth reading" But how do I do that?
Maybe I can combine them all, put everything all in one story, even the poetry- well not the YA part, but everything else? Just smush every genre I know of all in one story. That way I can be the comedian, the horror buff, the romantic, the literary, and the poet...everything all in one! Then what would they say about me?
What do you want your writing to say about you?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Top ten TV shows
"The key to sitcom success is miserable people. If you see a happy couple, it's just gone, like when Sam and Diane got together on Cheers."
Matthew PerryToday I'm forgoing the Wit Win wing it for a bloghop/blogfest. I will post winners and a new one next Monday. Alex has graciously hosted the Top ten TV Shows blogfest/hop for us. Please have a look at all the others participating in this, I'm sure you will find some amusement along the way!
My top ten: Okay but I'm not all sitcom, I'm a touch of everything. But I'll keep it as close to TV programs/sitcom as I can :)
10) Thundercats- I know its a cartoon, but I'm that kinda girl. I always loved the sword because it amazed me to be able to do something so fantastic in a cartoon.
9) Tales from the crypt- LOL yeah I'm one of those too. actually when I was younger I would honestly be better behaved in school if mom allowed me to stay up and watch these horror flicks, even though they gave me nightmares. I was 9 I think when I first started watching them and was fascinated by horror ever since. And now my daughter at 9 is very much into scary tales. lol
8) Bewitched- I always wanted to watch the head into it, when I was younger I didn't understand the show itself, but I loved the cat turning into a person.
7) Rescue Rangers- I know again with the cartoons, but I'm telling you I was all over the spectrum
6)Home Improvement- actually I used to watch this one because my dad watched it and when he took over the TV you weren't allowed to change the channel.
5) Charmed- I really enjoyed witches...
4)Medium- The idea of ghosts always freaked me out, and the fact that this lady spoke to them was brilliant
3) Heroes- I watched the first two seasons of this regularly Then it got all dumb and I quit watching
2) House- I love the arrogant doctor what can I say?
1)Its a tie for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood. See I own all 7 seasons of Buffy...and they rock. And I've watched every True Blood episode so far and they rock too...I guess I have a thing for Fangs.
What is your number one?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Enchanting Sunday
I hope you all have a Fairy enchanting restful Sunday.....place your strained eyes on these and bask momentarily in fairy magic....
Have a Fairy beautiful Sunday and be inspired for the coming week!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Are you Participating?
My Fairy pen is glowing and sparkling dust is all over my papers! Why? Well because there is so many blogfests to participate in this month and next. Here is my run down as these dates are coming up fast and I know I get busy and need a reminder sometimes, so here's your midway reminders:
SEPTEMBER The half way point anyways:
Ellie Garrat has a competition going for her readers ends Sept 21st (Tuesday)
The jist?
"All you have to do to enter this competition is be a follower of my blog and leave a comment below. That is it!"
Prizes? copies of anthologies!!!!
Angela @ Jaded love Junkie has a Feast Blogfest Sept 23rd (Thursday)
The jist?
"Not only is it a blogfest of food, but it's also a feast of blogs. Please join me in sharing a post regarding anything *food.*"
Prizes? "you get a chance to join the fun!" (If I'm wrong about this prize please let me know and I'll change it.)
Southern City mysteries has a Birthday Blogfest Sept 24th (Friday)
The jist?
"On Sept. 24th, Southern City Mysteries' 1 year birthday, post your Happy Birthday Blogfest story! Who said birthdays are fun? They can be creepy or dangerous or dramatic or even fatal. Write a short story in (why limit the word count? Gimme what'chya got!) involving a birthday in any form and something mysterious, dangerous, dramatic, creepy, or deadly."
Prizes? I'm unsure at this point but she stated they were "big"
Elana Johnson has a blogging/writing experiment on this same day!!! Yay it sounds like so much fun. I'm going to try to do both!
These are right around the corner fellow writers, so be getting your writing juice flowing for NaNo by posting in these lovely blogfests!
Maybe genius is hosting the Mash it up blogfest Oct 1st (Friday)
Tessa has the They're people too blogfest Oct 2nd (Saturday)
Francine is hosting the Bad news blogfest which has been extended to Oct 3rd (Sunday)
A new writer to our lovely community
Jacee Drake is holding the At first Sight blogfest Oct 7th (Thursday)
Justin had a birthday and is hosting the Hook Line and sinker blogfest Oct 11th (Monday)
Phew----I think that wraps it up Lastly we Have November coming up so very soon and that means NaNo! We get permission to drive our loved ones crazy isn't that wonderful?
Did I miss anyones Blogfest? are you participating in anything coming up?
SEPTEMBER The half way point anyways:
Ellie Garrat has a competition going for her readers ends Sept 21st (Tuesday)
The jist?
"All you have to do to enter this competition is be a follower of my blog and leave a comment below. That is it!"
Prizes? copies of anthologies!!!!
Angela @ Jaded love Junkie has a Feast Blogfest Sept 23rd (Thursday)
The jist?
"Not only is it a blogfest of food, but it's also a feast of blogs. Please join me in sharing a post regarding anything *food.*"
Prizes? "you get a chance to join the fun!" (If I'm wrong about this prize please let me know and I'll change it.)
Southern City mysteries has a Birthday Blogfest Sept 24th (Friday)
The jist?
"On Sept. 24th, Southern City Mysteries' 1 year birthday, post your Happy Birthday Blogfest story! Who said birthdays are fun? They can be creepy or dangerous or dramatic or even fatal. Write a short story in (why limit the word count? Gimme what'chya got!) involving a birthday in any form and something mysterious, dangerous, dramatic, creepy, or deadly."
Prizes? I'm unsure at this point but she stated they were "big"
Elana Johnson has a blogging/writing experiment on this same day!!! Yay it sounds like so much fun. I'm going to try to do both!
These are right around the corner fellow writers, so be getting your writing juice flowing for NaNo by posting in these lovely blogfests!
Maybe genius is hosting the Mash it up blogfest Oct 1st (Friday)
Tessa has the They're people too blogfest Oct 2nd (Saturday)
Francine is hosting the Bad news blogfest which has been extended to Oct 3rd (Sunday)
A new writer to our lovely community
Jacee Drake is holding the At first Sight blogfest Oct 7th (Thursday)
Justin had a birthday and is hosting the Hook Line and sinker blogfest Oct 11th (Monday)
Phew----I think that wraps it up Lastly we Have November coming up so very soon and that means NaNo! We get permission to drive our loved ones crazy isn't that wonderful?
Did I miss anyones Blogfest? are you participating in anything coming up?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Shh Its a Secret Blogfest/ entry
Today is my blogfest! WOOT! I'm so excited. This last week has been majorly busy and I've had so much to blog about and still didn't get into everything. But I did Write!
Thank you everyone who is participating in my blogfest and making it fantastic with so many different writers! You all are wonderful darlings! I intend on reading each and every one of your works.
So without further dribble here's my entry...(Of course its a rough draft, but don't be afraid I take crits very well)
One question I impose on you: I put two names for my MC which one should I use? Layna or Layne? Let me know in the comments below....
Layna removed the green ribbon draped over her front door. The sleek material slid easily through her fingers as she walked inside her apartment. Bewildered by how the ribbon found its way to her, she slinked down on the couch to examine it. Whoever left the ribbon, didn't provide a note on it, perhaps a joke from one of her friends?
Suddenly, the ribbon curled around Layna's wrist. Surprised she thrust her arm forward. The material snaked up to her shoulder tickling like fingertips tracing a pattern on her flesh. She had no time to react.
"Layne! We need to go. What's taking so long?" Ashton asked. He walked right in the front door.
Layne looked up at her boyfriend and stashed her arm behind her back. "Sorry, I was distracted. But I'll grab the box right now." She moved around the couch and picked up the gift wrapped in gold, unsure if she should tell him about the ribbon.
"What's wrong? Did I walk in on something?" His dark eyes searched the small room and settled on her arm.
The ribbon tightened, heat swelled against her flesh and then dissipated.
"Nothings wrong. I just saw a note on the door from the landlord and was reading it real quick. I didn't meant to take so long."
Ashton took two long strides and lightly grabbed her arm. He pulled it forward. To Layna's astonishment the ribbon had vanished.
"See it's fine." Layne shifted the box in her other arm and headed for the door.
"Well then where's the note?"
"I left it by the couch, come on or we'll be late." Layna gingerly tugged him toward the door. She didn't understand why she kept the ribbon from him, but some sixth sense told her he shouldn't know.
Ashton paused briefly, then relented to Layna's pull. He walked out ahead of her and she took the opportunity to glance quickly at her arm. Nothing.
She looked on the floor as she turned to walk out, but the ribbon wasn't there. Her arm tingled and her eyes flashed down. Four green words appeared.
"Shh its a secret..." Then it vanished.
Thank you everyone who is participating in my blogfest and making it fantastic with so many different writers! You all are wonderful darlings! I intend on reading each and every one of your works.
Don't forget to check out my side bar for upcoming Blogfests!
![]() |
So without further dribble here's my entry...(Of course its a rough draft, but don't be afraid I take crits very well)
One question I impose on you: I put two names for my MC which one should I use? Layna or Layne? Let me know in the comments below....
Layna removed the green ribbon draped over her front door. The sleek material slid easily through her fingers as she walked inside her apartment. Bewildered by how the ribbon found its way to her, she slinked down on the couch to examine it. Whoever left the ribbon, didn't provide a note on it, perhaps a joke from one of her friends?
Suddenly, the ribbon curled around Layna's wrist. Surprised she thrust her arm forward. The material snaked up to her shoulder tickling like fingertips tracing a pattern on her flesh. She had no time to react.
"Layne! We need to go. What's taking so long?" Ashton asked. He walked right in the front door.
Layne looked up at her boyfriend and stashed her arm behind her back. "Sorry, I was distracted. But I'll grab the box right now." She moved around the couch and picked up the gift wrapped in gold, unsure if she should tell him about the ribbon.
"What's wrong? Did I walk in on something?" His dark eyes searched the small room and settled on her arm.
The ribbon tightened, heat swelled against her flesh and then dissipated.
"Nothings wrong. I just saw a note on the door from the landlord and was reading it real quick. I didn't meant to take so long."
Ashton took two long strides and lightly grabbed her arm. He pulled it forward. To Layna's astonishment the ribbon had vanished.
"See it's fine." Layne shifted the box in her other arm and headed for the door.
"Well then where's the note?"
"I left it by the couch, come on or we'll be late." Layna gingerly tugged him toward the door. She didn't understand why she kept the ribbon from him, but some sixth sense told her he shouldn't know.
Ashton paused briefly, then relented to Layna's pull. He walked out ahead of her and she took the opportunity to glance quickly at her arm. Nothing.
She looked on the floor as she turned to walk out, but the ribbon wasn't there. Her arm tingled and her eyes flashed down. Four green words appeared.
"Shh its a secret..." Then it vanished.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
News and Scottishness part 2
I Was picked!!!!! Oh my gosh! I'm so excited I can't hardly believe it. The Literary Lab "blog" had a "notes from the underground" competition. Honestly I submitted my 5 pages expecting the worst (not being on the list) but hoping for the best. and to my astonishment at 6:30 am yesterday morning not only was my poem published HERE but I was on THIS LIST I keep checking back to it to make sure my name is really on it, can anyone verify for me? :)
I'm not kidding cloud 9 everyone!
Now the second Order of business is tomorrow. I can't believe its already been so long since I posted my Shh its a secret blogfest. I have alot of entries so far and its not to late to sign up and post tomorrow. Here is the link...Shh its a secret
Tomorrow is also the last day of this week to participate in my Wit win- wing it
What did I promise, oh yeah pictures of the renassance side, leprechans, elk, and a stuck up kilt maker.
Did I mention what I bought there? Guess what- there were celtic pens!!!!!!! I bought a cute little pen that you can stick in a billfold.
Ahem...now that I have that out of my system, here is the brisk story of the Stuck up kilt maker.
He was the only one there, balding and didn't seem to want to help us with anything. We were at his tent because my manly man wanted to know his colors and he seemed the only one with that information. Of course we were polite and asked about the clans and colors.
"How much does a kilt cost?" Asked manly man
"Its hand made." the Snobish kilt maker pauses..."$750.00"
OUCH!!!!!!!! then the guy proceeds to go on about how the material comes right from Scotland and how he sorta feels about the idea people wearing them that aren't "hand made" Sorry I stopped paying attention to that part because he was rude when he spoke.
Ok now for promised pictures! First up the Elk. There was a huge male bull chasing off a little bull from his female heard right on the side walk as we were walking up.
Have a wonderful day everyone. :) I hope you enjoyed them. Sorry I couldn't find much on the broad swords there. And Jen- yes people dressed up like it was a Renaissance festival only mainly in kilts and armor. :)
I'm not kidding cloud 9 everyone!
Now the second Order of business is tomorrow. I can't believe its already been so long since I posted my Shh its a secret blogfest. I have alot of entries so far and its not to late to sign up and post tomorrow. Here is the link...Shh its a secret
Tomorrow is also the last day of this week to participate in my Wit win- wing it
What did I promise, oh yeah pictures of the renassance side, leprechans, elk, and a stuck up kilt maker.
Did I mention what I bought there? Guess what- there were celtic pens!!!!!!! I bought a cute little pen that you can stick in a billfold.
Ahem...now that I have that out of my system, here is the brisk story of the Stuck up kilt maker.
He was the only one there, balding and didn't seem to want to help us with anything. We were at his tent because my manly man wanted to know his colors and he seemed the only one with that information. Of course we were polite and asked about the clans and colors.
"How much does a kilt cost?" Asked manly man
"Its hand made." the Snobish kilt maker pauses..."$750.00"
OUCH!!!!!!!! then the guy proceeds to go on about how the material comes right from Scotland and how he sorta feels about the idea people wearing them that aren't "hand made" Sorry I stopped paying attention to that part because he was rude when he spoke.
Ok now for promised pictures! First up the Elk. There was a huge male bull chasing off a little bull from his female heard right on the side walk as we were walking up.
Big Bull Elk |
His heard and mama and baby |
The leprechaun |
The crowd favorite "Black knight" |
One of 2 female knights |
Jousting- sorry don't know who won. |
Scottish weapons of old |
Sunset coming home |
Have a wonderful day everyone. :) I hope you enjoyed them. Sorry I couldn't find much on the broad swords there. And Jen- yes people dressed up like it was a Renaissance festival only mainly in kilts and armor. :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
entries: Back to school and I got you blogfests
Today my poem is supposed to be out at www.everydaypoets.com if you can't find it yet keep looking...its called "Whiskey Kisses" (Happy dances!!!!!)
I'm doing two blogfests today- obviously this is a huge feat, but here they both are none the less. The first one is the Back to school blogfest from Roh. The second is the I got U blogfest from Sa Larsen. I tried not to make them too long, I'll be greatly appreciative if you make it through them...thank you in advance and sorry for a long post.
Back to school: This is a non-fiction piece.
I Could barely hobble through the hallway. My peers moved out of the way staring as I stopped every few seconds to cling to the wall. The pain shot down my legs, zinging the muscles to shake and a burn raged in my abdomen. Step by step, I advanced to room 171.
I held back tears with deep concentrated breaths as I sat in one of the four chairs at the front table. The cool steel surrounded my aching body and I slumped. The only visible weakness I allowed my self. The release of my mere 85lbs slid tears down the rim of my nose and I quietly sat.
I brushed the tears away like a dishcloth slowly wiping over spilt milk. My hands shook and fumbled for the current reading material, pens, and paper. I opened the notebook and wrote. Mostly random thoughts, but it didn't really matter as long as I could still write.
Slowly my classmates trickled in one at a time. I didn't bother looking up at any of them. I could pretend for the next fifty minutes nothing bothered me.
As the professor plunked her books down on the head desk and spoke of the different ways to write an essay, my mind wandered to the doctors appointment before class.
"The best alternative is a hysterectomy." Dr Spalding said.
"At this point I don't care." I replied wrapping the slim paper around my lower body.
"You're only 27. There are some things we'll need to discuss if that's the route you want to take."
"Look, I want the pain gone. I already have all the kids I intend on having and the rest can be dealt with. A patch is better than going through the inability to eat, walk, or take care of my family. This pain interferes with my quality of life and how I take care of my girls."
Doctors, they should understand when a patient is unable to handle much more. For over a year I've "dealt" with it and in the last few months the pain has only gotten worse.
"Alright. I've already done the laproscopy and confirmed you have endometriosis. So now I'll send you to set up the date for your surgery."
Of course she wouldn't have argued with me. She's seen me for three months now and knows I have no real options except to go through with surgery or stay on pain medication until they "have" to do surgery. The Hysterectomy still wouldn't be scheduled until the second week of June. I explained to the scheduler that I had college classes until may 15th.
"Are you sure you want to wait two more months? We can schedule you in about three weeks." The polite middle aged woman looked up at me.
"Yes, I'm sure. June." In every part of me I hated having to wait. The crawling back and forth to the bathroom doubling over every few inches to catch my breath the pain stole didn't make my decision easy.
I had already thought this through. The grants I received from attending a full time class schedule at the local college paid my bills, helped put clothes on my girls, and paid for parts of these doctor visits. I couldn't afford to lose that any more than I could handle living with the pain thriving through out my body. But, if I lost it all, I wouldn't lose just my classes, I could possibly lose my children and that slid me into my decision. I've dealt with it for this long, what's a few more months?
I'm sure I'll know the answer to that the next time I pass out because my insides feel as though a knife is slowly tearing my abdomen apart, laughing at my "thought out" decision.
A sheet of paper slid under my hand and i brought myself back to the professor explaining the assignment for next week. She glanced over at the white and black clock hanging above the door.
"I'll see you all Monday with hopefully a rough draft or outline ready." She dismissed us.
I sat waiting, steeling myself for the pain to engross me again before I rose and step by step trudged the long walk back down the hallway.
I got You :
Honestly there are so many wonderful followers that its hard to pick one. However since the rules are to pick one- then I'd Choose Jen at unedited because she began following me way before 100 or 50, and she always manages to comment and make me feel special in some way.
When I'm not sure what to write,
and I a post comes in the night,
You comment
When my life is in a trance,
I post a childish rant,
You comment
When I'm feeling really low,
and my post begins to show,
You comment.
When your writing a review,
or you post a juicy view,
I comment-
So really this wouldn't be just for Jen but for all my followers who comment even when they are busy in their lives! I appreciate every single person who takes the time out of their day to view something I have to say!
I know it's really cheesy- but I can be that way sometimes....every one of us is entitled to cheesiness.
Thank you all so much for your effort, time, comments, and posting for me to read :) You all inspire me to keep writing, its a wonderful community I'm glad to be apart of.
Tomorrow is part two of the Scottish festival...bright and early :)
I'm doing two blogfests today- obviously this is a huge feat, but here they both are none the less. The first one is the Back to school blogfest from Roh. The second is the I got U blogfest from Sa Larsen. I tried not to make them too long, I'll be greatly appreciative if you make it through them...thank you in advance and sorry for a long post.
Back to school: This is a non-fiction piece.
I Could barely hobble through the hallway. My peers moved out of the way staring as I stopped every few seconds to cling to the wall. The pain shot down my legs, zinging the muscles to shake and a burn raged in my abdomen. Step by step, I advanced to room 171.
I held back tears with deep concentrated breaths as I sat in one of the four chairs at the front table. The cool steel surrounded my aching body and I slumped. The only visible weakness I allowed my self. The release of my mere 85lbs slid tears down the rim of my nose and I quietly sat.
I brushed the tears away like a dishcloth slowly wiping over spilt milk. My hands shook and fumbled for the current reading material, pens, and paper. I opened the notebook and wrote. Mostly random thoughts, but it didn't really matter as long as I could still write.
Slowly my classmates trickled in one at a time. I didn't bother looking up at any of them. I could pretend for the next fifty minutes nothing bothered me.
As the professor plunked her books down on the head desk and spoke of the different ways to write an essay, my mind wandered to the doctors appointment before class.
"The best alternative is a hysterectomy." Dr Spalding said.
"At this point I don't care." I replied wrapping the slim paper around my lower body.
"You're only 27. There are some things we'll need to discuss if that's the route you want to take."
"Look, I want the pain gone. I already have all the kids I intend on having and the rest can be dealt with. A patch is better than going through the inability to eat, walk, or take care of my family. This pain interferes with my quality of life and how I take care of my girls."
Doctors, they should understand when a patient is unable to handle much more. For over a year I've "dealt" with it and in the last few months the pain has only gotten worse.
"Alright. I've already done the laproscopy and confirmed you have endometriosis. So now I'll send you to set up the date for your surgery."
Of course she wouldn't have argued with me. She's seen me for three months now and knows I have no real options except to go through with surgery or stay on pain medication until they "have" to do surgery. The Hysterectomy still wouldn't be scheduled until the second week of June. I explained to the scheduler that I had college classes until may 15th.
"Are you sure you want to wait two more months? We can schedule you in about three weeks." The polite middle aged woman looked up at me.
"Yes, I'm sure. June." In every part of me I hated having to wait. The crawling back and forth to the bathroom doubling over every few inches to catch my breath the pain stole didn't make my decision easy.
I had already thought this through. The grants I received from attending a full time class schedule at the local college paid my bills, helped put clothes on my girls, and paid for parts of these doctor visits. I couldn't afford to lose that any more than I could handle living with the pain thriving through out my body. But, if I lost it all, I wouldn't lose just my classes, I could possibly lose my children and that slid me into my decision. I've dealt with it for this long, what's a few more months?
I'm sure I'll know the answer to that the next time I pass out because my insides feel as though a knife is slowly tearing my abdomen apart, laughing at my "thought out" decision.
A sheet of paper slid under my hand and i brought myself back to the professor explaining the assignment for next week. She glanced over at the white and black clock hanging above the door.
"I'll see you all Monday with hopefully a rough draft or outline ready." She dismissed us.
I sat waiting, steeling myself for the pain to engross me again before I rose and step by step trudged the long walk back down the hallway.
I got You :
Honestly there are so many wonderful followers that its hard to pick one. However since the rules are to pick one- then I'd Choose Jen at unedited because she began following me way before 100 or 50, and she always manages to comment and make me feel special in some way.
When I'm not sure what to write,
and I a post comes in the night,
You comment
When my life is in a trance,
I post a childish rant,
You comment
When I'm feeling really low,
and my post begins to show,
You comment.
When your writing a review,
or you post a juicy view,
I comment-
So really this wouldn't be just for Jen but for all my followers who comment even when they are busy in their lives! I appreciate every single person who takes the time out of their day to view something I have to say!
I know it's really cheesy- but I can be that way sometimes....every one of us is entitled to cheesiness.
Thank you all so much for your effort, time, comments, and posting for me to read :) You all inspire me to keep writing, its a wonderful community I'm glad to be apart of.
Tomorrow is part two of the Scottish festival...bright and early :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesdays "Scottish Festival" Post
Let me start with an interesting story. Did you know I evidently have a huge Irish clan called clan "Ross"? Well I didn't. LOL My manly man and I went searching for his clan because we knew he came over from Scotland, but his clan wasn't really there. Strangely enough I walked into part of a tent where an entire booth was dedicated to my clan.
So I found out lots of new information about my past an genealogy. WOOT!!! And as I am discussing my college project with the fine ladies helping me with information on my own family she introduces me to none other than Ivan "Ian" Wilson, whom by the way is a curator at a museum and is very active in writing. He's an author. How sweet is that? Though He is published, I think what he enjoys writing is little limericks, poetry and shorts for these Highland festivals. Hes a very Prominent man in this community of scottish stuff and he is hilarious.
"What grade are you in?" Ivan asked
"She's in college." Said Manly man
Ivan turns and looks at me right after the picture was taken.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 28." I replied
"How old are you?" He looks right at me this time.
"I'm 28" I say again a little louder.
He paused..."I thought you were 11!"
There also happened to be HAGGIS <--click OH my goodness, this stuff tastes good, but its nasty lookin!
It took us most the day to walk the entire festival. It was huge. There were acres! My legs were killing me to even walk down stairs after it LOL.
They had two huge vendor tents, two huge tents just for the clans. They also had a dog show, though I didn't make it in time for that actual event many of the animals were still there...
There was so much going on That I have to break this in two installments, sorry everyone, but this post is long already! Tomorrow I'm doing two of the blogfests:Back to school Blogfest and I Got U! Blogfest so I will have to publish part two of this Festival on Thursday the 16th. The next installment includes Renaissance, knights, weapons, jousting, a stuck up kilt maker, a leprechaun, and elk on the side, so please tune in for that one! You wont be disappointed (I hope) with lots more pictures!
Would you eat HAGGIS? I think my story for the Food blogfest Will include Haggis....
So I found out lots of new information about my past an genealogy. WOOT!!! And as I am discussing my college project with the fine ladies helping me with information on my own family she introduces me to none other than Ivan "Ian" Wilson, whom by the way is a curator at a museum and is very active in writing. He's an author. How sweet is that? Though He is published, I think what he enjoys writing is little limericks, poetry and shorts for these Highland festivals. Hes a very Prominent man in this community of scottish stuff and he is hilarious.
"What grade are you in?" Ivan asked
"She's in college." Said Manly man
Ivan turns and looks at me right after the picture was taken.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 28." I replied
"How old are you?" He looks right at me this time.
"I'm 28" I say again a little louder.
He paused..."I thought you were 11!"
There also happened to be HAGGIS <--click OH my goodness, this stuff tastes good, but its nasty lookin!
It took us most the day to walk the entire festival. It was huge. There were acres! My legs were killing me to even walk down stairs after it LOL.
They had two huge vendor tents, two huge tents just for the clans. They also had a dog show, though I didn't make it in time for that actual event many of the animals were still there...
Airedales |
Scottish Terrier |
Irish Wolf Hounds |
Would you eat HAGGIS? I think my story for the Food blogfest Will include Haggis....

Winners and Mondays- Wit win- Wing it
WINNER ** Elana Solodow @ You're Write. Except when your rong **
Her sentence:
and the first person to give me a word I missed was.......
Christine H @ The Writers Hole
Every Monday I will post a word and then I'll give you all the real words I can find to make up from it. At that point dear reader comes your part.
Make a sentence out of the words I posted without using any other words. The best one by Friday will be posted the following Monday. No prizes, sorry this is for fun only and freebee show of your sentence talent and a link to your blog. Post your sentence in the comments below. Please keep it clean folks!
here is the word:
My sentence: Liar in rain, origin, nail in oral rag!
Of course this isn't supposed to make perfect sense, specially since you are not allowed to use any helping words to make the sentence. So no it isn't easy, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with!!
Bonus: Who ever is the first to post a word I might have not seen within the original word gets a free pass to freebeeness on Monday along with the person with the best sentence! (See so if you don't want to make a sentence- just find a word I missed- but it has to be a real word I will look it up and you can only use letters available inside the given word.)
Good luck and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Oh and I'll post about the festival tomorrow- boy do I have some great stuff to tell you all!!!!
Her sentence:
"Tiring gin wit, win twin rig, tin grit; nit wing, twit it."
and the first person to give me a word I missed was.......
Christine H @ The Writers Hole
Every Monday I will post a word and then I'll give you all the real words I can find to make up from it. At that point dear reader comes your part.
Make a sentence out of the words I posted without using any other words. The best one by Friday will be posted the following Monday. No prizes, sorry this is for fun only and freebee show of your sentence talent and a link to your blog. Post your sentence in the comments below. Please keep it clean folks!
here is the word:
or in gin rig oral nail rail origin grin ran nor long ring loin log lain I no rain air
lair gain rag go nil gal groin grain on in an nag lag rang loan liar My sentence: Liar in rain, origin, nail in oral rag!
Of course this isn't supposed to make perfect sense, specially since you are not allowed to use any helping words to make the sentence. So no it isn't easy, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with!!
Good luck and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Oh and I'll post about the festival tomorrow- boy do I have some great stuff to tell you all!!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cheap date and Sick vacuums
I decided my vacumm cleaner hates me! First it threw a huge fit when I requested it to pick up the dirt on the carpet. The vacuum actually refused to suck up one single piece of dirt! So of course I had to take it apart.
Imagine my surprise when I found it sick- it had a blockage- poor thing. I bet that made its plastic throat sore! So I spent the better part of a half hour doing a swob to get the blockage out, the fork was not much help- it stuck to the inside making it more difficult to retrieve said blockage. Sighs, so after the fork was released my manly man came to help me fish out the rest of the trash, (kids vacuuming- though I enjoy teaching them things- they should listen more) finally put it all back together and the belt melted in half! The vacuum effectively won- I hope my kids don't learn from it. lol
My date ended with a bet that he couldn't take me out to a two dollar date next time :)
Saturday's night out, was entertaining to say the least- my poor friend will feel it in the morning
And today, I'm off to the festival, my camera is charged and I think its the greatest thing in the world one of my assignments for class is to shop....I really like shopping- Oh I wonder if there will be any great pens!!!!! Wouldn't that be fantastic?
Have a very easy Sunday and I'll get to you alls post Monday!
Whats the cheapest date you've been on recently? and if you haven't been on a date- I hope you do soon :)
I decided my vacumm cleaner hates me! First it threw a huge fit when I requested it to pick up the dirt on the carpet. The vacuum actually refused to suck up one single piece of dirt! So of course I had to take it apart.
Imagine my surprise when I found it sick- it had a blockage- poor thing. I bet that made its plastic throat sore! So I spent the better part of a half hour doing a swob to get the blockage out, the fork was not much help- it stuck to the inside making it more difficult to retrieve said blockage. Sighs, so after the fork was released my manly man came to help me fish out the rest of the trash, (kids vacuuming- though I enjoy teaching them things- they should listen more) finally put it all back together and the belt melted in half! The vacuum effectively won- I hope my kids don't learn from it. lol
My date ended with a bet that he couldn't take me out to a two dollar date next time :)
Saturday's night out, was entertaining to say the least- my poor friend will feel it in the morning
And today, I'm off to the festival, my camera is charged and I think its the greatest thing in the world one of my assignments for class is to shop....I really like shopping- Oh I wonder if there will be any great pens!!!!! Wouldn't that be fantastic?
Have a very easy Sunday and I'll get to you alls post Monday!
Whats the cheapest date you've been on recently? and if you haven't been on a date- I hope you do soon :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
For Phenomenal women everywhere!
And In case you are unable to see the actual reading of this wonderful poem here is the poem....
by Maya Angelou
by Maya Angelou
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
from And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou.
copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou.

Friday, September 10, 2010
Weekend Adventures
This weekend is going to be so busy! I wont have much time on the blogs. Today I'm going to the Mercer house to volunteer my time to the families who need help with their kids, their academics, and such. The Mercer house is a place women usually go to get away from abusive husbands, however, I know a guy who took custody of his child and fled to the Mercer house to get away from his exwife so it's not just women. I think there are teens who sometimes go there as well. I'm sure I'll get a lot of information today.
I'm also hoping for a date with My Manly man too :) wish me luck in the endeavor...poor guy runs a mock between working and attending college courses.
Saturday night is a friends birthday party- so I'm going to have a few drinks with him and some buddies. Hes a great guy- its amazing we have been friends for almost 15 years. (I know I'm a girl best friends with a guy Oh my!)
On Sunday I am attending the Scottish highland festival out side of FT. Collins (I'm not quite sure if it would be considered inside of Wyoming or Colorado though) I'm hoping to take pictures and show it to you all. :) I'm going down there for an assignment in my emerging fields Scottish literature class.
Don't forget today is the last day of the week to participate in my Wit win- Wing it I'll post the winners Monday morning as well as a new word to wing it!
What are ya'lls plans this weekend? anything you want me to blog about when I attend the Scottish festival?
I'm also hoping for a date with My Manly man too :) wish me luck in the endeavor...poor guy runs a mock between working and attending college courses.
Saturday night is a friends birthday party- so I'm going to have a few drinks with him and some buddies. Hes a great guy- its amazing we have been friends for almost 15 years. (I know I'm a girl best friends with a guy Oh my!)
On Sunday I am attending the Scottish highland festival out side of FT. Collins (I'm not quite sure if it would be considered inside of Wyoming or Colorado though) I'm hoping to take pictures and show it to you all. :) I'm going down there for an assignment in my emerging fields Scottish literature class.
Don't forget today is the last day of the week to participate in my Wit win- Wing it I'll post the winners Monday morning as well as a new word to wing it!
What are ya'lls plans this weekend? anything you want me to blog about when I attend the Scottish festival?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday Writing prompt
Practice, practice, practice writing. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong.
Jeffrey A. Carver
Here is todays writing prompt:
think about the five senses, maybe just write up what it would smell like, look like, feel like, without using a cliche? Maybe use metaphors and similes to help you...
With so many blogfests coming up this could be an opportunity to make a new piece for one of those writing blogfests. Good luck everyone!
Don't forget you have until friday to add your sentence to Mondays Wit win- Wing it
Jeffrey A. Carver
Here is todays writing prompt:
Your character finds a box of scorched human hair. Whose is it and how did it get there?
think about the five senses, maybe just write up what it would smell like, look like, feel like, without using a cliche? Maybe use metaphors and similes to help you...
With so many blogfests coming up this could be an opportunity to make a new piece for one of those writing blogfests. Good luck everyone!
Don't forget you have until friday to add your sentence to Mondays Wit win- Wing it
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
For my readers:
So I have been contemplating my blog recently. I'm not sure if I need a new look. I know the look I have is what I like, but what has been on my mind is How easy is it for my readers? Are the colors too dark?
Is the font ok? does my page download for you all easy?
So the only way I can know for sure is to ask all of you- What do you think, leave it or change it? Since assuming is really bad, I hope you all will indulge my small questioning and let me know below in the comments.Its Tuesday and I have alot of things going on. My friend is disabled and I'll be driving her around to help her out so I wont be readily available most of the day. I also have classes this morning. I'll read peoples blogs while I can and comment when I can. I just didn't want to leave all my readers with nothing, so I've posed the how does my blog look questions, and now heres whats coming up that you might not want to miss...
Over at Babbling Flow is a huge book giveaway- and the deadline is Tomorrow September 8th.
Over at sunshine thoughts is the sister celebration- many signed hard covers are up for grabs as well as a cookbook and many more...Check out my RIGHT side bar links for updated blogfests and contests to enter for this month- I think I have atleast two new entries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>
Have a great day everyone! Here's a picture to give you a smile :)

Monday, September 6, 2010
The First wit win-wing it!
We are all mostly familiar with playing words games to some degree. My favorite ever since I was a child was to take one word and make several out of it. So in light of my favorite game I'm posting the first ever "Wit Win- Wing it" (the first atleast for my blog)
Every Monday I will post a word and then I'll give you all the real words I can find to make up from it. At that point dear reader comes your part.
Make a sentence out of the words I posted without using any other words. The best one by friday will be posted the following Monday. No prizes, sorry this is for fun only and freebee show of your sentence talent and a link to your blog. Post your sentence in the comments below.
So for the first round, here is the word:
Wit grit wing win ring tin gin tiring rig twit it twin wig twig ting nit
Of course this isn't suppossed to make perfect sense, specially since you are not allowed to use any helping words to make the sentence. So no it isn't easy, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with!!
Bonus: Who ever is the first to post a word I might have not seen within the original word gets a free pass to freebeeness on Monday along with the person with the best sentence! (See so if you don't want to make a sentence- just find a word I missed- but it has to be a real word!)
Good luck and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Every Monday I will post a word and then I'll give you all the real words I can find to make up from it. At that point dear reader comes your part.
Make a sentence out of the words I posted without using any other words. The best one by friday will be posted the following Monday. No prizes, sorry this is for fun only and freebee show of your sentence talent and a link to your blog. Post your sentence in the comments below.
So for the first round, here is the word:
Here are the words I found to make out of it:
Wit grit wing win ring tin gin tiring rig twit it twin wig twig ting nit
Now here is the sentence I have come up with:
Ring wig, win tin- tiring twit grit it.
Of course this isn't suppossed to make perfect sense, specially since you are not allowed to use any helping words to make the sentence. So no it isn't easy, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with!!
Good luck and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Its in the details
With my poem coming out in a week and a half, I thought maybe I should take some time out and let you know more about me. As I am apposed to giving out truly vital information online, I don't mind people knowing aspects of my life. It helps to write about them even. The self reflection of memories can be a great source as a writer.
So with this in mind, my poem is about my mother. I always had a great relationship with her. She was in part my inspiration for most of the things I have written in the last 8 years. We argued alot, but she was my mom.
Her name was Marlene, Most of our younger years we spent jumping house to house and for her man to man. However, she managed to clear that up by marrying her third husband which gave me the gift of the man I now call my father. What could be crucial to know is I have lost both of my biological parents. I do not see this as good or bad, only that it is what happened.
My mother was a bad alcoholic. She started at 9 am most days and didn't quite til many hours into the night. When I was younger it was fun, we'd sit outside suntanning with margaritas on her blue 72 mustang.
As I grew up, married, and had my first child I found the flaw in this. She used to babysit my daughter while I worked for $5.15 at the local mcdonalds. I came to pick my daughter up once and she had been drinking beer. She almost dropped my daughter who was only 9 months old. I of course made it into a fight and told her she had a serious problem with alcohol and needed to get help.
Needless to say she didn't.
She died 2 months later. I don't remember much of things from her, my mind has blocked nearly everything from me, but I remember the call.
I was working the closing shift. I swept the front lobby and was headed to the back to finish. The phone rang and I picked it up.
It was my sister. She claimed my mother was in a car accident drinking and driving. Now heres what I knew of my mother at this point. She drank, but only once in her life drove while intoxicated. She was put in jail and claimed she would never be there again. But like a wise gal I told my sister "Good I hope she learns her lesson"
It was that moment when my sister claimed to have another call coming in, so I patiently waited. Seconds later my sister was back on the line screaming "Mom's dead!"
The details after went something like disbelief and then anger. I yelled at the hospital staff, cursed at the sherriff, and finally came to realize she was gone. Only it was surreal at the point. Even today it is...its one of those things you don't think would happen to you, then -bam- there it is, only even now its like abad movie being played out in my head.
After my temperal breakdown, which included pinning the poor sap at the memorial to a wall because he refused to allow me to see her body, I composed myself enough to eat lunch and come back to "view" my mother.
The one thing I'll never forget is her face that day.
She was covered from toe to neck in a blue cloth. Laying, almost asleep like, on the table in a spare viewing room. I walked up to it and at first she looked to be asleep. But as I came closer to her I could see the scratches still bloodied from the glass all around her mouth, which was turned up in a half drunkin smile. Her forehead was a blue and black bulge as big as a soft ball.
My brother had to carry me from the room, I wouldn't budge I stood there just waiting for her to wake up, open her eyes, move a finger, anything.
Don't feel bad about this post, its details, memories pent up that I use. And this is what my poem "Whiskey Kisses" is about, The aftermath so to say but without all the gory details.
Its a blessing to be able to use this or any number of my memories in my writing. Its part of what helps me write. My secret weapon. :)
So with this in mind, my poem is about my mother. I always had a great relationship with her. She was in part my inspiration for most of the things I have written in the last 8 years. We argued alot, but she was my mom.
Her name was Marlene, Most of our younger years we spent jumping house to house and for her man to man. However, she managed to clear that up by marrying her third husband which gave me the gift of the man I now call my father. What could be crucial to know is I have lost both of my biological parents. I do not see this as good or bad, only that it is what happened.
My mother was a bad alcoholic. She started at 9 am most days and didn't quite til many hours into the night. When I was younger it was fun, we'd sit outside suntanning with margaritas on her blue 72 mustang.
As I grew up, married, and had my first child I found the flaw in this. She used to babysit my daughter while I worked for $5.15 at the local mcdonalds. I came to pick my daughter up once and she had been drinking beer. She almost dropped my daughter who was only 9 months old. I of course made it into a fight and told her she had a serious problem with alcohol and needed to get help.
Needless to say she didn't.
She died 2 months later. I don't remember much of things from her, my mind has blocked nearly everything from me, but I remember the call.
I was working the closing shift. I swept the front lobby and was headed to the back to finish. The phone rang and I picked it up.
It was my sister. She claimed my mother was in a car accident drinking and driving. Now heres what I knew of my mother at this point. She drank, but only once in her life drove while intoxicated. She was put in jail and claimed she would never be there again. But like a wise gal I told my sister "Good I hope she learns her lesson"
It was that moment when my sister claimed to have another call coming in, so I patiently waited. Seconds later my sister was back on the line screaming "Mom's dead!"
The details after went something like disbelief and then anger. I yelled at the hospital staff, cursed at the sherriff, and finally came to realize she was gone. Only it was surreal at the point. Even today it is...its one of those things you don't think would happen to you, then -bam- there it is, only even now its like abad movie being played out in my head.
After my temperal breakdown, which included pinning the poor sap at the memorial to a wall because he refused to allow me to see her body, I composed myself enough to eat lunch and come back to "view" my mother.
The one thing I'll never forget is her face that day.
She was covered from toe to neck in a blue cloth. Laying, almost asleep like, on the table in a spare viewing room. I walked up to it and at first she looked to be asleep. But as I came closer to her I could see the scratches still bloodied from the glass all around her mouth, which was turned up in a half drunkin smile. Her forehead was a blue and black bulge as big as a soft ball.
My brother had to carry me from the room, I wouldn't budge I stood there just waiting for her to wake up, open her eyes, move a finger, anything.
Don't feel bad about this post, its details, memories pent up that I use. And this is what my poem "Whiskey Kisses" is about, The aftermath so to say but without all the gory details.
Its a blessing to be able to use this or any number of my memories in my writing. Its part of what helps me write. My secret weapon. :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
one writers thoughts
I find myself heavy these last few weeks. Heavy with ideas I want to write, but never manage to because of time, or kids, or because I'm doing homework instead. I know, it doesn't seem that way out here on the blogs, but in truth I have written only a few short pieces in the last year!
The things I've posted on blogfests are things I have either redone from previous stories, or something I just pulled up from a previous story. I keep looking at the same old ones for submissions, and most of them have gone out and come back. I do not consider every piece I write suitable for submission status, but there are a handful I've sent out, crazy thing is most of them I have sent out a couple times over the last few years.
I know what I am going to do- I am going to participate in this years NaNo writing. I don't really care if I hit the goal- but I really do want to start something.
Before I really sprung into the blog, getting involved with all of you, I mainly had just myself pushing me forward, telling me to keep writing, and for my own encouragement.
But because of all the wonderful writers I have met in the last few months, and all my followers reading and commenting, I want to soar higher. I want to challenge myself to reach out and do more for my writing. I want to write regularly- stories that are short, long, funny, horrible, what ever as long as I write. Problem is time management. Which I'm slowly working on, and hopefully by the time NaNo hits, I'll have the spare time to do it, and if I don't I'm going to push myself anyways. In the mean time, Blogfests!
I plan to use the blogfests for new ideas, as much as they seem just a fun way to spend time for some, I'm planning on taking them on with ideas in mind and hopefully spring boarding off of them!
So everyone out there holding a blogfest, Thank you for holding them, thank you for encouraging the writing process, and giving the option to create!
The things I've posted on blogfests are things I have either redone from previous stories, or something I just pulled up from a previous story. I keep looking at the same old ones for submissions, and most of them have gone out and come back. I do not consider every piece I write suitable for submission status, but there are a handful I've sent out, crazy thing is most of them I have sent out a couple times over the last few years.
I know what I am going to do- I am going to participate in this years NaNo writing. I don't really care if I hit the goal- but I really do want to start something.
Before I really sprung into the blog, getting involved with all of you, I mainly had just myself pushing me forward, telling me to keep writing, and for my own encouragement.
But because of all the wonderful writers I have met in the last few months, and all my followers reading and commenting, I want to soar higher. I want to challenge myself to reach out and do more for my writing. I want to write regularly- stories that are short, long, funny, horrible, what ever as long as I write. Problem is time management. Which I'm slowly working on, and hopefully by the time NaNo hits, I'll have the spare time to do it, and if I don't I'm going to push myself anyways. In the mean time, Blogfests!
I plan to use the blogfests for new ideas, as much as they seem just a fun way to spend time for some, I'm planning on taking them on with ideas in mind and hopefully spring boarding off of them!
So everyone out there holding a blogfest, Thank you for holding them, thank you for encouraging the writing process, and giving the option to create!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Fun sentences

Definition: A metaphor is a way to compare two unrelated things to make a point.
Even in his last years, Grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut. Humor at work
~ It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall. HA HA
He was deeply in love. When she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up. Funny analogies
It's like locking the barn door after the nuts have bolted. mixed metaphor
Working here is like urinating in a dark suit. It's warm and it feels good, but it doesn't show.Creative think
I feel like a limp dishrag. workshop
But if you really want to have good ideas for descriptive purposes, take a look at this snippet from a poem:
The Fish By Elizabeth Bishop from poem hunter website
"Here and there
his brown skin hung in strips
like ancient wallpaper,
and its pattern of darker brown
was like wallpaper:
shapes like full-blown roses
stained and lost through age.
He was speckled and barnacles,
fine rosettes of lime,
and infested
with tiny white sea-lice,
and underneath two or three
rags of green weed hung down.
While his gills were breathing in
the terrible oxygen"
Can you think of a metaphor/simile you like or can you come up with one of your own?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happenings in September
“Go to where the silence is and say something.” - Amy Goodman
So September has begun and Theres a whole lot happening around the blogs. Here's a list of this months contests and blogfests that I have found, and if you do not see your blogfest on my right hand side bar- leave me a note in the comments and I will be sure to put it up!
On with the show.
Creativity is a must and heres the writing lowdowns going on:
100 Follower contest From Falen formulates fiction. The nitty gritty is that free journals will be given out to the winners but you have to enter before September 11th...winks...
aspirations contest from aspirations is for reaching 100 followers...check out the details and enter from now until September 10th!
Haiku Blogfest from Hatshepsut
in her words: "Some of you like to write poetry, but like me, you don't think you're very good at it. But haikus are a piece of cake, just three lines with 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively. Easy peasy!What should your haiku be about? ANYTHING! "
Hurry and enter by September 3rd!
I got you Blogfest from writers ally AKA sa larsen.
To Participate:
~ fill out the from below.
~ choose a blogger who has enriched your life and write a post about them.
~ post your article on Sept. 8th and link back here. (I'll make a linky list for you all.)
word has there are books up for grabs in this blogfest- sign up before September 8th! this has been changed- tomorrow a new posting will be out and the new sign up date will be September 15th
On september 7th there are two wonderful celebrations:
Sister celebration and Kiersten Writes new book is coming out and here's her Hello Contest
Septembr 15th has two great things going on: ! my Poem comes out at www.everydaypoets.com
Back to school Blogfest from Roh morgan
On September 17th is the Shh its a secret blogfest from yours truly- with a pen as a first prize and secret prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. you wont be disappointed with the first place prize- I promise.
On September 23 is the Blogfest of food
and we end on September 24th with Southern City mysteries Birthday blogfest!
WOW! theres alot going on this month.
anything I missed?
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