So I have been contemplating my blog recently. I'm not sure if I need a new look. I know the look I have is what I like, but what has been on my mind is How easy is it for my readers? Are the colors too dark?
Is the font ok? does my page download for you all easy?
So the only way I can know for sure is to ask all of you- What do you think, leave it or change it? Since assuming is really bad, I hope you all will indulge my small questioning and let me know below in the comments.Its Tuesday and I have alot of things going on. My friend is disabled and I'll be driving her around to help her out so I wont be readily available most of the day. I also have classes this morning. I'll read peoples blogs while I can and comment when I can. I just didn't want to leave all my readers with nothing, so I've posed the how does my blog look questions, and now heres whats coming up that you might not want to miss...
Over at Babbling Flow is a huge book giveaway- and the deadline is Tomorrow September 8th.
Over at sunshine thoughts is the sister celebration- many signed hard covers are up for grabs as well as a cookbook and many more...Check out my RIGHT side bar links for updated blogfests and contests to enter for this month- I think I have atleast two new entries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>
Have a great day everyone! Here's a picture to give you a smile :)

I find your blog easy to read, especially with all the colorful words to highlight important (?) things. :D
Loved the cat dispenser pic. Made me chuckle. Thanks for the links. I'll definitely check them out. I'd heard the same thing about black backgrounds and when blogger came out with new templates, I changed from black to my current setting. It still allows for the black background I wanted, but gives a white inset for typing. Just a thought. The black does make it harder on the eyes to read. Especially when the fonts are in different colors.
I think your blog's design and colours are fine! I can read them and see the pretty fairy pics!!!
Thanks for the updated blogfests/competitions links.
Take care
I have always loved the look of your blog. I have changed mine so many times, I'm flighty like that. I love dark dark dark. But I have to say that I have gotten a lot of compliments on my blog since I changed it to the lighter look. >:( Sometimes it doesn't feel homey to me though. Just a thought. But this isn't about me, is it??
I like the way the colors you chose for the words match your fairies on the page. I have never had trouble loading or reading. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Summer. It's great to meet you! And I like the white and colored text on black, which never clash. Mine colors clash sometimes and I really need to do something about that!
I love your blog! But must admit I'm not a massive fan of black backgrounds. I find white easier to read. But that's a minor detail! :)
I think your blog is easy to read with the colors you've selected. If it were me...I wouldn't change a thing.
I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for some time now (about 60 followers back)and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
Love the pic, too funny!
I like the way your blog is set up. It's very easy for me to figure out where things are. I also think it's unique. I haven't seen another blog with your color template or style. If you do decide to change things up a bit, I would try to keep your originality. :)
I like your blog as it is, so I wouldn't change anything!
While I love the color black, I hate reading on it. Often I will trudge through but having a black background will often turn me off following a certain blog. Although, some say that they like reading on a black, what do I know. Maybe I'm just old.
I love the cat picture! I think you're blog is lovely as is, and easy to read. But if you want to change it up, go for it. I change mine every once in a while just because.
I know this is a broad reply to you all- but thanks so much for everyone who is commenting, its really helping me decide.
I am usually not a fan of dark pages, but you make it work by being aware of your font colors. I can read all of your words with ease and even though it's bright, it doesn't hurt my eyes. Keep doing what inspires you. :)
As for design, go with whatever you feel like going with, so long as it's readable.
My only peeve is this: FLASHY FLASH FLASHES!
Keep the dancing guys off, and don't use jumpy flashplayer images off to the side or the top or the bottom. I'm too ADHD for that, and it makes me go into an epileptic seizure.
But yours is a quiet blog, so no complaints for me. Point is only that you shouldn't embed moving flashplayer objects.
I would also add that you should keep your site moderately professional which you do, so again, no issues.
- Eric
Oh, please don't ask me...I move furniture just for the fun of it. :) I like it this way but the only comment I have is it loads slow sometimes.
Peace my fairy child...
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
You have a lot of information which is great - easy to navigate. I use your contest/blogfest links ALL THE TIME!! The fairies really pop n the black.The only thing I would tinker with would be, maybe, the busy purple at the top. Purple is a great colour though so if it is the only option...
Love the blues and purples however I'm not a fan of black backgrounds behind the post text. It strains the eyes. It helps that your text isn't white, but still... Many times I'll pass over a blog with black background and white text.
W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey
Looks fine to me, and the pages load-up well enough. The only difficult thing to read is the purple writing in the Blogfest section, and even that's OK with a little squinting. Yup, you've got a fine spot here!
Hey Summer! I think your blog is GREAT!!! Easy to load - to read and I enjoy it!! Hope classes went well and that's totally sweet of you to help your friend.
Hi Summer! I found you via the BBQ this weekend (I showed up kind of late . . . ). I think your blog looks nice. Usually I prefer light colors, but I think that's just a personal thing. It pops. Black and White is just classic. I'm excited to read more!
I prefer light background with dark print. I think it's easier on the eyes.
Tossing It Out
I love the look of your blog, for me this one is easy on the eye's. You are the one who can break rules and get away with it! I love the colors... it makes feel like I'm a fairy when I visit!!! Sound silly? Maybe, but it's how I feel!
I think your blog looks great! I esp. love the cat dispenser... :D
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