Today I only hope to inspire you with a video. I'm learning how to use them in posts. Its always good to try new things, even if it fails horribly. So in light of trying something new, write a letter or poem to your muse. If you want to scream at him/her then do so in the piece. If you're bored with the current muse and want a trade in, by all means write yours up for sale. :) Just write...

I don't know my muse's address. I think she lives in a tree.
Thanks for joining 'Just the Cheese'. Drop me a comment sometime.
*sgh* I can never see videos on blogs. My muse is alive and well! Off to write!
That was brilliant and beautiful! Poetry isn't in my bag of tricks, but if I tried, it would be equal parts sweetness and swearing.
PS like the new FB picture.
Me speaking to my muse: "Really my dear, can't I go to the bathroom alone!"
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Powdered toast man~~ LOL go tree hunting.
Christina~~ maybe try looking up dear inspiration on
Will~~ Thank you
Nancy~~ LOL bad
What a great idea! I am also not a poet, but it's inspiring ...
Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
Right now, my muse is schizophrenic. I need her to settle down and tell me who the heck she is right now because I don't know how much more chaos I can take!
Summer - It's a fun idea, writing to our muse. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks.
She has a lovely voice!
Portia, Ladytink, Shannon, Rashelle~~ thanks for commenting.
Wendy~~ LOL good luck with yours then, maybe you will need several letters. :)
Ah my muse is alive, she just needs the proper time allocated to getting all the wonderful thoughts down on paper! ;)) Great idea to write to our muse!
My muse blew a fuse and now I'm stealing yours to use.
Hey, I'm no poet...stop laughing :D
Wonderful concept.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
That was beautiful. I don't do poetry as well as I would like. =)
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