They have vendors clear down from Texas up in these here Wyoming parts, just to trade some goods.
No really when you walk into one of these "General stores" you feel like you've been dropped back into trading posts and the wild west. Though there is no real trading other then the green for the items, but they have furs, saloon dresses, hand made knives out of bone, quill pens even! And since I am a pen collector- guess what I bought? *cheezy grin*
So what I really went there for was, of course, the Brooks and Dunn "last rodeo" tour. Now I must admit I am very impressed with how things went. They truly do up amazing concerts. Now for the details:
Get this- I was f-i-v-e feet away from their stage, standing in a VIP area with my uncle who is one of their drivers. My grandmother, me, my guy, and my neice Ivy and my nephew Tiger are standing in this barred area when all of a sudden we turn to the right because it sounds like a heard of elephants have been let loose. It was close- a bunch of screaming fans came running in so hard they squished themselves up to the bars before they could come to a halt and tons more are running in behind the first ones. It was like one of those funny movie scenes where a guy is running from screaming women down the street. Not more than twenty minutes later we look to our left and its a zoo in there! all of them screaming and running in, plus the other ones screaming. Yikes, eardrums- well I used to have them...
Its dark before Brooks and Dunn get on stage, but I can hear again by the time they do, which is a huge plus because they have amazing voices! They of course sang all the crowd favorites. They even had one of each kind of soldier come out and stand on stage as they sang "Only in America". About half way through the song these red, white, and blue streamers popped out over the crowd surprising us.
I was pretty impressed with how my niece and nephew reacted to the concert. Tiger is 8 and Ivy is 6 years old, and here it was almost midnight and they are just as excited to be at the concert as they were when we first got there. LOL kids are resilient creatures! But now my little niece Ivy is more than resilient, I'm pretty sure she has a complex! A Brooks complex that is, because on their last song they picked Ivy out from the front and Brooks brought up to the stage and danced with her!
That pink jacket made her stand out, because after the concert everyone knew who she was, and told her how famous she was because she danced with Brooks onstage of their last tour. So you know what my little niece looks up and says to me? Dead serious she looks up and says "Aunt Summer, does that make me his partner?" My reply was "For that dance yes." and I'm almost certain she will remember that til the day she dies.
I'll end with a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure. Have a great day everyone!
Love love love love love that pen.
They are hard to come by without buying them online.At least here in Casper. :)
I'm coming over from The Redhead Riter. Love the blog and the Frontier Day's photos. Looks like a fun day!
I've added myself to your list of followers maybe if you stop by my blog, you will be inclined to return the favor.
Take care,
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