If I had to describe myself, it would be in a word that has many meanings with a complexity which falls off the tongue.
A word made up of many elements, is deceptive in appearance, and creates an illusion from the imagination.
My word would be Phantasmagoric. ~Summer Ross

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Come Look with me...

"You learn something every day if you pay attention. " ~Ray LeBlond
I give you links! come join me in some fascinating discoveries!

 The Red head writer has graciously given us away to make buttons if you do not know how. She gives out some great step by step instructions and helpful ideas on how to make your own badges. If you would like to see more on this CLICK HERE and take a look at the rest of her sections, she helps with a great amount of blogging things!

 Emma Michaels has a wonderful post on characters that I have every intention of taking advantage of because I'm really bad with my characters LOL Click here

If you are a dog lover and wish to help out at Liz Writes, then take a look at her special post on ways to help CLICK HERE

Glimmer Trains "Standard story submission" opens up  the first of October for short stories. Its free to sign up and its free to submit...go check them out if you haven't already CLICK HERE

Mary at "How to plan, write and develop" has a great post on images with a writing exercise. CLICK HERE

If you haven't read this already or some version of it, please do take look at this post about speaking out. I myself have found myself in similar situations, and I would rather my children know it exists then pretend they live in a world where bad things never happen. CLICK HERE

 Don't forget tomorrow is the FEAST BLOGFEST if you haven't signed up and want to- go do it...I'll be participating.

Now that I have these out of the way I have a favor to ask. My 9 year old is taking a 40 book challenge. Upon this she is supposed to read Historical fiction and non-fiction- well what are some good titles of historical fiction and non-fiction for young girls that I can look up with her? Any suggestions would be helpful.


Jules said...

Thanks for the links. How do you find time for all of these? :)

Books, 9-year old? I'll have to think about that, well actually I'll help Google it. I have no kids and my dogs refuse to read :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Summer Ross said...

Jules~ Actually I come across them in my daily readings of other peoples blogs and such, so not that much time is spent as extra. I alot my mornings usually to reading blogs in between classes.

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Ahh, I am having a brain fog. Thanks for the links.

N. R. Williams said...

Nice post, I will have to visit all your suggestions.

I recommend the first book in the Diary Series, sorry I can't remember the actual title of the series. The first book is a true diary, not made up, called: Remember Patience Wimple. It is about a young pilgrim, yeah, arriving on the Mayflower and all the new things she encounters here in America. It is excellent.

Everyone is invited to a Viking Blog BBQ...see Tuesday's post on my site for directions.

N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Budd said...

for non-fiction, my 9yo loves books on snakes. The Snake Scientist is really good and about Garter Snakes.

Historic Fiction for that age is hard. Magic Tree House is too young and gone with the wind is too old. Red Badge of Courage maybe.

Old Kitty said...

Oh good luck finding appropriate books for your 9 year old!! I hope you get tons of ideas - I'm racking my brain to think of at least one, but can't, sorry!!

And thanks for all these fab links!! Everything to do with how to improve my writing is very very helpful so thank you!

Have a lovely day!

Take care

Will Burke said...

I think I'm contractually obliged (as a Canadian) to suggest Anne of Green Gables. Can't remember the author (SHAME!).

PK HREZO said...

What about the Laura Ingalls Wilder series? You know, Little House on the Prairie? Is that historical enough? I loved those books as a kid.

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm so glad you included CJ Redwine's post. I'm leaving your blog up so I don't forget to check out some more of these links later today.

TK Richardson said...

Lots of great link! Thanks! And I would recommend for your daughter books by Corrie ten Boom and The Diary of Anne Frank. I read them when I was about her age.

Golden Eagle said...

Books by Ann Rinaldi are a good source of Historical Fiction! Her writing is very good, and involves things like the Civil War and the Revolutionary War.

Summer Ross said...

I completely spaced the green gables ones, I bet I can find those Will.

I'll look up these others everyone, thanks a whole bunch for your help.

ali cross said...

Thanks for the links! I need to check out Emma's post on characters, I think ...

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

For shame is right, Will, (tee hee). A of G G was written by Lucy Maude Montgomery. These would be good for a 9 year old, Summer, I agree.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

Thanks for linking to my post! <3

Stina said...

Great links. Loved the badges one. Always wondered how bloggers made them.

Carolyn V. said...

I wish I had a great non-fiction to pass on, but I don't read that much non-fiction. I hope she does well with the 40 books!

Unknown said...

There is an Awesomely Unique newly designed Blog Award waiting for you on my page http://shhhhhjustbetweenume.blogspot.com
while you're there join in on my new Wednesday Blog Hop.

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