So much of writing has to do with creativity. Being creative is what sparks stories and ideas from our strange minds. So with that in mind read on...
I have a challenge for you and I'm hoping it will be fun, though it will take some creativity and patience on your part. Here's what I have done, you know the word verifications on some blogs, well I have taken 10 of those words and created meanings for them- just because.
I may never add them to a story, or really do much with them- but its fun and can be amusing. So I am sharing mine with you this week, and if you decide to do any writing regarding them, then I'd be most pleased to know about it, and if you want I can post it in next weeks Wednesday blog. If you want to create your own, please feel free to share that with me as well, contact me via e-mail with them though and I'll share them next week with everyone.
My verificated words dictionary: Since I enjoy fairies and magic, mine will relate to that this time. A special thanks to those who keep word verifications on, which gave me the inspiration for this!
ingloges: children of magic users.
preenta: a wing dye for fairies
ouctiot: a magic spell for seeing
crodenc: another word for "head" in fairy speak.
vuumpend: a magic vehicle
antedism: a fairy dictionary
oloarcli: a dinner reserved for enemies
oviesi: an orb for fairy travel
Brivea: a city in fairy land
Towlin: a famous fairy song sung by the elders

My Memories Rewind posts are actually about stories and events from mine (and my twin brother's) childhood. :) Sometimes I do make up stories, though.
Hi Summer
Thanks for calling by and following.
I love your creativity. Your words and their definitions made me smile.
I've been collecting word verification letters for a while but only ones that appear to be derived from non-latin based languages.
WV: Choti - name, definitely
Elaine~~ I thought about collecting them for names of MC or others too. :) Thanks for commenting. That's a good one for a name.
Ah, see if i had an antedism I could double check these, but I don't so I'll have to take your word on it :-)
Niamh~~ that made me smile- thank you for the comment
Enjoyed your definitions! :)
This was fantastic!!! How special do I feel getting mentioned in your fabulous fairy blog!!!! Love it :) I think you are the only one who likes the verification, everyone else what's it gone, lol.
balaves: Special meal only served during fairy weddings
How fun! I love making words out of those verifications. They're always so off the wall!
Jen~~ great word- wonderful definition, I'll add it to my growing collection! Thanks for commenting
You have a fun, fanciful blog. I'm glad I found it. Your take on life is delightful. Roland
Roland- Thank you and I'm glad you did too, thanks for commenting.
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